Saturday, December 4, 2010

Whats the point of having one when all you gonna do is to hide it?


My first tattoo.
by: Frean

  I thought mom's going to kill me if she knew i already have a tattoo but I was wrong!

Fighting for nothing

So let’s go back, to the first time, that I met you, in your Chevy, with your hands stretched, and me crying, screaming, “Mercy, Mercy!”
But I know that, I was put here, to fight Vikings, in the cold war, with my arms out, in the front lines, singing, “Dare me. Dare me.”

                                                     -MEG AND DIA

I Thought this day was the best day ever! everything seems perfect but I was wrong, I told you I was wrong! I don't know where to cling to, why are there some people act so rude? what's their reason? I'm feeling so f*cked up right now I really don't know what to beleive and what to do, I'm so much hurt, so d'you think i'm dumb? why does this always happen to me? do I really deserve this? i've made my own decision and I think I should stick to it no matter how nerve breaking it was. 

This feeling was like tearing me apart to pieces, pain caused by guilt, pain caused by self pity, pain caused by being accused and pain that won't relieve. As far as I know, I don't really have any idea about that bitch! it's just her sister messaged me and she was like a bomb exploding to nothing, it's not my fault anymore so you should stop telling me such rude things, I don't need to explain myself anymore say whatever you wanna say THE HELL I CARE?!!!

Am I fighting for nothing? does this cost a lot? I should not give up on this. I will succeed and get what I want. It's going to be part of the history I promise.

Chocolate Muffins

It's saturday, so my two cousins went in our house that night to drink,
I was talking to Mark Dalisay (new friend) on my cellphone and he asked me if he can go in our house to drink and I said "yeah why not".

 A week ago, I met Mark in their so called "skatepark" in our town, It's not that long right? but it feels like I've known him for so long already.
skater's image is not that as good as what others think of but Mark is different he's a heart-friendly person , he loves his mom so much and yeah he don't do drugs, that's a big factor for me! I really really wanted to know him more and it's a right timing last night! 

Around 10:30 pm, my cousins went home because they are already dizzy! I thought Mark is going home too but I was wrong, he ask me if he can stay a little bit longer and I sad "sure". We talk about lots of stuff,  we knew that we have lots in common! I've never met a boy who loves to cook and bake cakes, oh my God that's awesome! he showed me a picture of his "Chocolate Muffins" yummy! I want to taste it :)

Talking to him is like a never ending road he always brings out a topic and deliver it very well, he's very outspoken, he say what he wants to say and yeah it was like we're getting to know each other more.

Conversation lasted at 1:00 am and I think it's time for him to go home already so he decided to go home and yeah it was a blast! he message me and ask something that made me turn red. 

This is the night that I would never forget :) 
I don't fake smiles that night,Thanks Mark! 

what's it like to hold Friday night's hand?

I forgot what he felt like. I forgot how handsome he was - how nice and tender-hearted, selfless and attentive he was. I forgot how open he was, how inviting and sweet he was. 

I don't know who's to blame, one morning i just woke up with frustrated emotion... things may seem very difficult for me but i think i can still go on and wait until he arrive, i'm still having my hopes alive.

I forgot his smell, his smile, the way he laugh and yeahhhhhh..

We don't always talk anymore no more warm conversations, it was like we always talk about shits and stuff over and over again, he said that he's not that happy anymore and so do I, he always say that if I can't take it anymore, just tell him and you know that may lead to breakup---

Everything has changed. I want him to make me feel like i'm the only woman in the world but  it can't be! feels like something is missing, it's just not enough.

10 months of waiting and it all went down the strain.................